During February and March 2025 we will be planting a lot more Trees and Sapling trees.
Assistance with the planting would be fantastic, so if your section is interested in helping with the planting please contact us on tony@glennywood.org.uk
We are only short term custodians of the Woodland at Glenny Wood. Therefore we need to ensure the area is as safe as we can and has a sustainable future.
Our approach therefore to managing the woodland is on a risk assessment basis. Our method of managing the risk is below, with both professional support and the trained teams regular inspections.
In looking to the future of Glenny Wood, in 2007, 2019, 2022, 2023 we have planted 250 mature trees around 5 feet high or more. Also during this time we have planted around 5000 tree saplings and these are our hedge rows.
As we are in a preservation area, each tree has a Tree Preservation Order on them (TPO). Therefore we are not allowed to cut trees down without planning permission. This we manage with North Somerset Council. When permission is granted a similar number of trees has to be replanted.
Our approach -
1 - Professional tree Inspection is undertaken by O Frost Arboriculture specialist in tree and forestry consultancy throughout the South West on an Annual basis
2 - Recommendations from inspection to be reviewed and action commenced within a reasonable time following receipt. If works needed, permission, planning and felling licences obtained prior to works commencing. Replacement trees planted as per planning requirements.
3 - Local passive site reviews of the trees in the main using area are undertaken on a regular basis where possible, by trained Glenny Wood volunteers. These reviews are recorded and any actions identified, progressed.
4 - Local site visual reviews are regularly undertaken from the tracks, of the trees in the rest of the woodland area.
5 - Trees planted in 2007, 2019, 2022 2023 are checked to ensure they are healthy. Remedial action to be taken as necessary. Further major tree planting exercises will be undertaken on a regular basis.
6 - It is recognised that Glenny Wood does suffer from Ash Dieback. Work suggested during the annual inspection, to control this and to ensure the safety of the site, site users and contractors is welcome and supported.
7 - Oli Frost - our professional adviser O Frost Forestry & Arboriculture Ltd. http://www.ofrostarbor.co.uk on the 4th March 2020 trained the Glenny Wood volunteer team to increase skill levels on what to look for when undertaking local passive site tree reviews.
8 - Windy weather policy is in place, with site closure consideration undertaken once speeds are forecasted at 32mph is in place.
9 - To manage the site we have split it in two main areas, zones 1 & 2. Focus is on zone 1, the main using area, our greatest risk area.
And when your with us please follow our Glenny Wood Site Motto
"take nothing but photographs and memories, leave nothing but footprints"
Glenny Wood is the Campsite of Gordano District - Charity Commission registered number 289643