At Glenny Wood what is available for your Residential stay
or for your visit during the Day or the Evening.
Glenny Wood is a great place to visit, either morning / afternoon or both.
Or why not come along in the evening as lots do and have FUN at Glenny
Glenny Wood is a great place to camp.
The site is split into 8 camping plateaus.
The site lends itself well for all types of camping
Click the link Camping for details, sizes etc
Glenny Wood has really good indoor facilities with our Centrally Heated lodge - ideal for sleepovers, weekend indoor stays and meetings.
This area will be intentionally very basic and wild. This is the type of area which now-a-days is not often available and will be a great place to try something new, step out of your comfort zone, learn new skills, and having a lot of fun.
Glenny Wood has excellent toilet facilities - Girls Loos, Boys Loos and Adult Loos and 4 separate shower cubicles all with
with HOT running water
At Glenny Wood we have three fabulous and very different campfires areas available for you to use.
Wood can be scavenged in the sloping woodland area or use from our site woodpile.
I am often asked, how busy in Glenny Wood with visits and camps. Well very busy is the simple answer.
During 2023 we have seen 209 visits on site with 5737 people visiting.
So yes we have seen lots of people having fun and learning new skills at Glenny Wood
Keeping Glenny Wood safe, clean and tidy is a key area for the team. Over the years I have often mentioned the maintenance work we have undertaken along with the development activities completed.
There is also a lot of other regular work completed behind the scenes that is so essential and is not seen.
Therefore to give you an idea of what happens please read on….
And when your with us please follow our Glenny Wood Site Motto
"take nothing but photographs and memories, leave nothing but footprints"
Glenny Wood is the Campsite of Gordano District - Charity Commission registered number 289643