Altar Fires

Altar Fires at Glenny Wood

At Glenny Wood camp site, you are welcome to have a cooking fire.

This is part of our scouting tradition after all. Glenny is in a woodland area,

often with lots of young people on site, so please be extra vigilant when lighting fires.

At Glenny Wood unless you have booked a campfire Area ALL other fires must be in Altar Fires.

Altar Fire must be booked via OSM. Each booking is for ONE Altar Fire, you if you need more than on please make duplicate bookings. You can book up to 9 Altar Fires.

Altar Fire safety and etiquette

So we have nine altar fires available for you to use, stored just up from the loos.

When using them please ensure you bring with you

buckets / bowls and have them full of water.

Please be careful when using the Altar Fires as they are metal

and will get very hot.

When using the altar fires please

    • Only burn wood you need to.
    • Avoid excessive banking up of fires.
    • Use only the wood supplied on site
    • Don't bring pallet wood to use.

When you have finished using the Altar Fire ensure

  • the fires are fully out, nothing is left alight.
  • all unburnt rubbish including tin foil is removed and taken away.
  • all unused wood please return to the wood pile, making sure it is not burning.
  • Then please return the Altar Fire and Stand back to the storage area.
  • Please ensure the ash is tipped in the wheelbarrow chained to the area.
  • And finally place the half barrel altar fire upside down on the stand in the storage area

Please ensure the area where you have used the Altar Fire is left clean and tidy

with all your rubbish removed.


Please only use wood from the site and no pallet wood to be used.

Risk Assessment for this activity

Click on the risk diagram

To book this Activity please go to OSM either direct or via our bookings page