2023 - News & Pictures
from Phil Woolcock
Saw a continuation of the leaf raking, leaves now almost off the trees.
The bridge building, over a very full wetlands pond, continues at a pace and will be finished early in 2024
Maintenance work continues with the picking up of broken branches, clearing of the fire pit, removal of rotten wood and general tidying up
Planning Permission has been granted for further trees works to take place due to our continuing fight against Ash die Bach disease. This will result in a further 6 trees having to be felled and 7 trees pollarded.
In February / March we plan to plant around 30 trees so we ensure the woodland is maintained for the future.
With the Autumn well and truly set in a lot of leaf fall had to be dealt with. This included racking up 18 large bumpy bags worth of leafs and tipping them in our newly created compost area.
The replacement bridge across the stream in the wetlands was started and good progress made. We also built our first bug hotel in this area and there were plenty of visitors taking up residence!
Other works include -
Cut up all scrap wood lying around - Cabins, behind pole store etc….
Grass Sledge run closed and fenced off and sledges cleaned and oiled and stored for winter
Defibrillator quarterly check completed
Cleared pumpkin debris from patio area following Halloween celebrations
Further works completed on the Septic tank and pumping system
Potholes in carpark filled with 1.5 tons of chipings to dust
Rowan log store broken RH stake replaced
Fallen Tree on neighbours property and blocking the boundary trail sawn and removed.
Trimmed Beech hedge by patio
Replaced damaged signage posts on driveway outside the outer gate
Cleared debris and leaf build-up in stream
Removed partially fallen apple tree.
Cleared old tree from area in front of Wetlands fence
Transplanted hawthorn from young trees to Wetlands fence
Painted/Touched up all the sheds to cover up bare/thin patches to protect for the winter
October was another very busy month with further work completed on the "Round Glenny Trail" along with lots of maintenance work to undertaken due to the continuing high levels of Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and Explorers using the site
The work undertken included
September has been another very busy and successful month
We have welcomed Volunteering Groups from Lloyds Bank and the local University
Both groups worked very hard and have made significant progress.
The Lloyds Bank team took on the challenge of fencing the land adjacent to the Bridle Way and made big inroads into the around Glenny Path we are currently building. The results of their work is spectacular and the photos below show the great progress made.
A mega thanks to their Lloyds team.
We hope to have the path available for next year April time and booking to use it will be open in the spring.
The local university came in and took on the challenge of developing the Wetlands area. The result is fabulous with pathways created, boarders to the pond built up so this is great place made for pond dipping.
So much accomplished and massive thanks to this team. Pictures below show what been achieved.
As well as these two big projects, the normal site maintenance continues along with the safety checks. Works accomplished include
The site is currently very busy with most weekday evening and weekends booked up. This is great new and to see the young people outside Scouting is fabulous.
With the site continuing to be so popular there is always plenty to do, and August is no exception.
Fortnightly checks continue with the activities, resulting in the Snookballs being blown up, the Grass Sledges, cleaned, repaired and reoiled and the Karts Tyre repaired
To ensure we maintain our security we have completed a full padlock code change and the booking system updated.
With the loos we have again cleared latest blockage and significant and expensive repairs had to be made to the septic tank by Andersons, who originally installed it.
Around the site we have cut the grass across the plateaus, cut and cleared the branches of a fallen Hazel near wetlands so recently planted trees survive. In addition we continue to cut and peel off Ivy from trees to improve the overall woodland health.
Other work undertaken to date includes -
Electrical Works - Over the past months we have had a lot of electrical work undertaken on site, which has included the replacement of strip lights to LED, rewiring as required, and most significantly new outside lights installed around the lodge, path from lodge to Car Park and to the loos.
All the electrics have now been inspected and have passed this inspection.
Further electrical works on outside lighting for the loos will be completed shortly.
Many thanks to Andy from Alpha Electrix who has undertaken all this work for us.
July has been a busy month with the evenings very popular with hundreds of young people having a lot of fun and a great time at Glenny. The weekends have been equally busy with many camps being held on site. The last week of July was very busy with three separate groups on site camping most of that week. Despite the weather the feedback we have received is everyone has had a brilliant time
To ensure visitors to Glenny have a fabulous time, significant amounts of work and activity has to take place on and off the site, much of which is unseen.
We have undertaken a lot of work around the site this July to maintain Glenny Wood to a good standard. The Woodlands work undertaken includes –
Weeded all the new planted hedges
To ensure the activities are available for those who have booked them, we undertake fortnightly checks of all these in the summer months, monthly during the rest of the year. As a result of these checks, we have
Repaired confidence course as chain to slippery broke
Weekly we operate a series of checks throughout the year, usually undertaken by Jill. These ensure the areas and equipment are monitored, and available for site users to use.
In addition, in July we have had three Annual Safety checks undertaken -
As well as the above activities we have other exciting things that need doing, two of the most “exciting” are listed below and undertaken in July
No more detail with either of the above, although it certainly is not a pleasant experience. And we volunteer to do this!!
Woodlands works continue around the site and these include:-
Regular checks on the Activities equipment have resulted in:-
Other works undertaken around Glenny in June include
We are creating a New Round Glenny Path, a long term project, fitted in when time allows. This month the entrance to Round Glenny Path was created and the actual path progressed further
The round Glenny Path / Interpretive trail we are creating is continuing and good progress is being made. The work on this path is being fitted in around all the other maintenance and improvement activities we undertake.
More details on when the path will open shortly.
Below is a walk through on part of the path created
Trees & Bushes Pruning in and around the Wetlands and Confidence course areas
Red Peddle Kart repaired and now working
Larger logs in the wood pile area cut up, stack and ready to use on the fire
New divider fence to block off Aerial Runway working built.
And when your with us please follow our Glenny Wood Site Motto
"take nothing but photographs and memories, leave nothing but footprints"
Glenny Wood is the Campsite of Gordano District - Charity Commission registered number 289643